What Does a Virtual Care Appointment Look Like?

Written by Leslie K. Hughes

Medically reviewed by Dr. Monique White-Dominguez

The concept of virtual care has been around since the late 1950s. The Nebraska Psychiatric Institute and Norfolk State Hospital built a closed-circuit TV link between the two so that they could do psychiatric consultations. 

Technological advancements and plenty of trial and error with the use of virtual care have seen lots of changes in this approach to healthcare. The virtual care we have today looks much different than what existed in the early 1960s, but it still has the same idea at its core: providing care to patients in a way that is convenient and safe.

The idea of a safe approach to healthcare became more important than ever when the global COVID pandemic hit the scene. Fear about this virus and the unknowns that went along with it gave people a lot of pause about heading into a doctor’s office for a visit. 

Thus, it was during the height of COVID that virtual care really took off. Although this approach to healthcare has been an option for a long time, it became the only option for many people when COVID came into existence. 

The use of virtual care during the peaks of COVID opened up peoples’ minds to this mode of healthcare even when a global pandemic isn’t an issue. There are some major benefits to this way of care that have the power to make a huge difference in your life. 

The Benefits of Virtual Care

Regardless of whether a global pandemic is brewing outside or not, there are all kinds of benefits of virtual care that make this approach the future of healthcare.


Driving to a doctor’s office takes time and energy, not to mention the amount of time you spend sitting in a waiting room. It is far more convenient to do everything from home and save yourself the time of the driving and the wait. 


Seeing a doctor in person often comes with a hefty price tag, even if you have insurance. Virtual care costs less because it requires fewer resources and people to make the appointment happen. A virtual care appointment with Sameday Health costs just $50. 


If you live in a rural area or are elderly, getting to the doctor’s office may be a challenge. Virtual care fixes that problem. You can meet with a doctor from the comfort of your own home. 

Less exposure

COVID has taught us all the hard lesson that exposure can lead to illness. And, when visiting a doctor’s office, you are potentially exposed to all kinds of illnesses. 

Late-night care

Doctor’s offices typically function during normal business hours and unless it’s an emergency, you likely won’t be able to meet with anyone until the next business day. With virtual care, however, you can connect with doctors nearly any time of day and night to get the care you need. (If it is an emergency, please call 911.)


The technological advancement of monitoring tools has made a huge difference for people who are dealing with chronic conditions that require monitoring. Rather than having to visit a doctor in person every time you need a checkup or have questions, you can opt for a virtual care appointment to save yourself time, effort, and money.

What to Expect From a Virtual Care Appointment With Sameday Health

The first step in getting a virtual care appointment with a Sameday Health provider is to schedule it online. 

Once you’ve scheduled your virtual care appointment, you will fill out an intake form that provides Sameday Health with information about your medical history and why you’re looking to meet with a doctor.

You will receive an email shortly thereafter with all the information about your upcoming appointment. This email includes the link that you click at the time of your appointment to meet with the provider. 

The link is safe, secure, and unique to you, so no one besides you and the Sameday Health provider has access to it. You can access your virtual care appointment via your phone, tablet, desktop, or laptop, but we recommend a laptop or desktop computer for the best experience. 

Your virtual care provider will come up with a treatment plan tailored to you based on your call and prescribe any medications if necessary. 

So here’s a quick overview of how the virtual care process goes with Sameday Health:

  1. Schedule an appointment online

  2. Fill out an intake form

  3. Click the link in the email at the time of your appointment

  4. Meet with the provider to discuss your health questions and concerns

  5. Get a treatment plan tailored specifically to you

Looking for convenient and reliable care from the comfort of your own home? Schedule a virtual care appointment with a Sameday Health provider today. 


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