The Top 6 Benefits of Virtual Care

By Leslie K. Hughes

When the pandemic hit in 2020, the way people received medical care changed significantly. Fear of COVID kept many people from physically going to a doctor’s office to get the care they needed, unless that was the only option. 

Though virtual care existed long before the pandemic, it was used in specific situations and not en masse. However, as the world has undergone changes of all kinds over the last couple of years, so have approaches to healthcare. What used to be an alternative to standard medical practice has now become a vision of the future. Virtual care is here to stay, and more popular than ever. 

Read on to learn more about this popular medical practice and the benefits it offers.

What is virtual care?

Virtual care is the use of technology that allows a patient and a doctor to communicate virtually, as opposed to physically in an office or hospital. 

With this futuristic yet user-friendly medical practice, you can talk to a doctor about symptoms you may be dealing with, questions you may have, and any other issues via real-time video, calls, and email. The type of consultation you get (video, call, or other) depends on your personal preference as well as the reason for your “visit.” Some issues can be handled easily with a phone call or email, while others may be better served over video. 

Who is virtual care for?

If you’re dealing with an emergency situation, then virtual care isn’t for you. This medical practice is meant for issues that don’t require hands-on care. It is ideal for standard health issues and questions as well as consultations and follow-ups. 

Here are some of the top issues that Sameday Health treats virtually:

  • Cough and cold symptoms

  • Flu

  • Allergies

  • Migraine therapy

  • Prescription refills

  • Travel medications

  • Wellness concerns

  • Cough and cold symptoms

  • Urinary tract infections

  • Rashes and itching

  • Minor aches and pain

  • Stomach pain

  • Gastrointestinal issues

  • Sleep and fatigue concerns

  • Yeast infections

  • Sinus infections

  • Eczema

  • Acne

  • Psoriasis

  • Headaches

  • Pink eye

  • Asthma

  • Cramps

  • Diarrhea

  • Bloating

How does virtual care work?

If you need a refresh on how virtual care works, be sure to check out our article all about them.

Here is the quick Cliffs Notes version:

  1. Schedule an appointment

  2. Fill out a brief intake form

  3. Use chosen platform to connect to a healthcare provider

  4. Talk through your symptoms and concerns via the platform

  5. Provider will recommend a tailored treatment plan or prescribe medication

What are the benefits of virtual care?

Though virtual care isn’t for every person and every situation, there are times when you stand to benefit much more from a virtual visit versus an in-person one.

Here are some of the benefits of this approach to care. 

1. Convenience

One of the great things about technology is that it works to make things more convenient and included in that is medical care. With virtual care, you can skip all the time required to visit a doctor in-person (driving there and back, waiting in the waiting room, the appointment, the payment) and instead do everything from the comfort of your own home. This means it’s easier to fit virtual visits into a busy schedule and you may not even have to leave work to talk with a doctor. 

2. Lower cost

In-person doctor visits are rarely cheap, and that’s even for people who have health insurance. Virtual visits are priced much lower due to the need for fewer resources and people involved in the process.

3. Accessibility

Getting to a doctor’s office may be a struggle for some people including the elderly, people who live in rural areas, and those in underserved communities. Virtual care provides a more affordable and accessible way for people to get the medical help they need. 

4. Less exposure

After the global pandemic, people have become much more aware of exposure to illnesses. Going to a doctor’s office and sitting in the waiting room opens up opportunities for exposure to all sorts of diseases. Many people who come into the doctor are sick, and thus spread germs while there. 

Though you can’t always avoid going to the doctor’s office, when it’s not necessary to be there in person, you can opt to go with virtual care to prevent the potential spread of sickness.  

5. Late-night care

Your doctor may not always be on call, and going down a rabbit hole on the internet is not the best path to take if you have a health issue that comes up after regular doctor office hours. Virtual care provides you a way to connect with doctors almost any time of the day and night to help get you the answers you need. 

6. Monitor support

Those who have chronic conditions that require monitoring benefit greatly from virtual care. With this technology, their at-home monitoring tools can signal to doctors any new symptoms or issues and that it’s time to step in and see what’s happening. This has the potential to save lives. 

Want to see what the virtual care hype is all about? Schedule a virtual visit with a Sameday Health doctor today to get your medical questions answered and issues solved from the comfort of your own home. 


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