The Top 5 Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Written by Leslie K. Hughes

Medically reviewed by Dr. Monique White-Dominguez

Though apple cider vinegar has been around for thousands of years, in the last few years it has really moved into the spotlight. What was in ancient times used as a means of treating infections today has a different focus. Apple cider vinegar in modern-day times is touted as a great aid for weight loss as well as gut issues. 

However, there is much more to this glorified apple juice than just those benefits. Read on to learn more. 

How is apple cider vinegar made?

This pungent liquid is made simply by fermenting apple cider. 

The first step in the process of making apple cider vinegar is crushing apples and mixing them with either yeast or sugar. Over the time of a few weeks, the yeast and naturally occurring bacteria work to ferment the juice, which makes it into alcohol. 

If you’re looking for a nice apple cider to drink on a hot day in the summer, then you would stop the process there. However, if you’re looking to make apple cider vinegar, then you have one more step to go. You run through another round of fermentation, which turns the alcohol into acetic acid, and then you’ve got apple cider vinegar. 

The great thing about apple cider vinegar is that you don’t have to make it (but you can if you want to). However, one of the hard parts of apple cider vinegar is its strong taste. One whiff of this thing and you may change your mind about taking a shot of it. 

That’s why we love the concept of apple cider vinegar gummies like the ones from Goli. They make getting the benefits of apple cider vinegar delivered to your body easy without the difficult (and sometimes nauseating) taste. These gummies are great on the go and you can pick them up at a Sameday Health location near you. Another added benefit is that the gummies are packed with more than just apple cider vinegar. They also have vitamins B12 and B9 which are great for overall health. 

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

You can turn to apple cider vinegar to reap all kinds of health benefits. Here are some of the reasons why you may want to incorporate apple cider vinegar gummies into your daily vitamin regimen.

Helps With Weight Loss

A 2009 study showed that people who consumed apple cider vinegar every day over a three-month period lost more weight and had lower triglyceride levels than those who had no regular apple cider vinegar consumption. 

Multiple additional studies have been done since then that have evidence that points to apple cider vinegar aiding in modest weight loss. It’s not something you want to turn to in the hopes that it will help you lose 20-30 pounds, but it may be able to help you lose those couple extra pounds you can’t seem to get rid of. 

The reason some people have success with apple cider vinegar as a weight-loss tool is because it may have the power to help lower blood sugar which can help with weight loss. 

Lowers Blood Sugar

If you are someone who is prediabetic or is already struggling with diabetes, apple cider vinegar may be worth a shot. Studies have shown that ACV has the power to help control blood sugar. This means smaller blood sugar spikes after meals that are packed with starches, which is great news for prediabetic and diabetic people. 

Apple cider vinegar is able to do this thanks to its acetic acid which works to block enzymes that help to digest starch.

Aids With Acid Reflux

Though more studies need to be done in order to prove this, many people claim that apple cider vinegar helps them with acid reflux and thus use ACV as an aid for digestion. 

Helps Reduce Dandruff

If you’re struggling with itchiness and irritation on your scalp, then you may want to reach for apple cider vinegar. By combining ACV with water and creating a solution to put onto your scalp, you may find that the acetic acid in the vinegar alters your scalp’s pH levels. Why is this good? Because it makes it more difficult for the yeast that causes your dandruff to survive. 

Helps With Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are a common issue that many people face, especially as they age. And they can sometimes end up looking quite noticeable. To aid with that, some people turn to apple cider vinegar. 

ACV is not something you can rely on to treat varicose veins. However, a study showed that people who used apple cider vinegar with medical varicose vein treatments saw better effects than those who didn’t use ACV. It appears as though the topical application of apple cider vinegar to varicose veins helped to improve the effects of medical treatment. 

How much apple cider vinegar should you drink a day?

Though there are some benefits of incorporating apple cider vinegar into your health routine, there is such a thing as too much. 

Too much apple cider vinegar can lead to issues with the digestive tract as well as the potential lowering of your potassium levels and too low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). However, if you consume ACV in the way and amount that it’s intended to be used, you shouldn’t experience these issues. 

If you’re consuming apple cider vinegar in liquid form, then you want to limit your intake to 1-2 tablespoons a day. And if you’re opting for the Goli gummy form, then stick to the recommended amount, which is up to 6 gummies per day. 

Before incorporating apple cider vinegar into your daily routine, talk to a Sameday Health provider to ensure that it’s safe for you and that it won’t interact with any medications you’re currently taking. What’s safe for someone else may not be what’s safe for you, so always err on the safe side and talk to your Sameday Health provider first. 

Curious if apple cider vinegar can improve your health? Schedule a virtual care appointment with a Sameday Health provider today to find out if it’s right for you. 


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