Accessibility Statement
As recently as January 2020, the World Health Organization estimated that there are more than one billion people living with disabilities, with over 100 million persons having significant difficulties in functioning.
Many disabilities can affect access to information technologies. Additionally, the same individuals who encounter barriers impeding access to information technologies could benefit most from using them.
Given the importance of the internet, accessibility to the web is of critical importance to people with disabilities around the world, including those with auditory, cognitive, physical, neurological, and visual disabilities. It is likewise important to those with accessibility needs due to aging.
Providing accessible web content can also benefit people who do not have disabilities but are experiencing situational barriers. For example, when accessing the internet from devices with small screens or in low bandwidth situations, or when experiencing barriers due to language or literacy levels, accessibility solutions can also support improved access.
At Sameday Health, we are dedicated to making our website accessible to all users.
Here are some specific features that enhance accessibility:
Mobile-Friendly Design: Our website is optimized for mobile devices, ensuring accessibility for users with small screens and those experiencing low bandwidth situations. This ensures that our services are accessible and easy to use, regardless of the device or internet conditions.
2. User-Friendly Interface: Our website features a clean, intuitive design that makes it easy for all users to find the information they need quickly and efficiently. This user-centered approach ensures that our site is easy to navigate and understand, enhancing the overall user experience.
These features demonstrate our commitment to resolving accessibility issues and ensuring that all users, regardless of their disabilities or situational barriers, can benefit from our services.
Accessibility Commitment:
Our Commitment to Accessibility
Sameday Health is dedicated to ensuring equal access to our services for all individuals, in accordance with our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.
If you have any questions about accessibility, please reach us at