Whatever your result, Sameday Health is here to provide you with unparalleled care

Covered by the CARES Act

Diagnostic Test Result Guidance


I tested positive. Now what?

Remain calm. Quarantine for 14 days after the first day of symptoms.

Drink fluids and get lots of rest. Take Acetaminophen for body aches and fever or over-the-counter cough suppressant syrup, if applicable. Additionally, you may take the following over-the-counter medications:

Vitamin C - 500 mg twice per day
Vitamin D3 - 2000-4000 units per day
B Complex Vitamins
Zinc - 50 mg per day
Melatonin - 5-10 mg at night
Baby Aspirin - 81 mg per day (unless previously told to avoid Aspirin)

Please seek emergency care for worsening symptoms like shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, chest pain, nonstop vomiting, or fainting.


I tested positive but have zero symptoms. Now what?

Please self isolate. If you continue to have no symptoms, you can be with others 10 days after you had a positive viral test for COVID-19.


I tested negative but I still have symptoms. Now what?

The most accurate time frame to get tested after developing symptoms is Day 3 through Day 5 of symptoms. If you prematurely tested on Day 1 or Day 2, it is recommended to get retested on Day 3 through Day 5 after symptom onset.

If you still test negative on Day 5, you must still remain in quarantine until 3 days after your last fever or if respiratory illness is improving and/or cough is resolving.


I tested negative but recently had significant exposure. Now what?

If you have been exposed, the most accurate test will be 7-10 days post-exposure. Even still, this is not 100% accurate as you can start showing symptoms up to 14 days post-exposure.

You must quarantine for 7 days post-exposure and have a negative test on Day 5 through Day 7 to discontinue isolation precautions.


All information taken from CDC guidelines and up-to-date medical treatment of COVID-19 for outpatient care.

Covered by the CARES Act