Why Testing For the Flu Is Important

Written by Leslie K. Hughes

Medically-reviewed by Dr. Monique White-Dominguez

It’s no secret that the flu is a common illness, but just how common is it? Well, as it turns out, there’s actually no way to know how many people catch the flu every year. And there are a few different reasons for that. One is that oftentimes people just let the flu run its course and don’t seek care for it. Another is that many people don’t get tested to determine whether the illness they’re feeling is indeed the flu. Those, along with other reasons, contribute to the lack of data regarding how many people contract the flu in a given year.

However, based on what information they can collect and review, the CDC has determined that between 2010 and 2020, somewhere between 9 million and 41 million people came down with the flu each year.

Why You Should Get Tested For the Flu

To Keep Cases Down

In an effort to keep those numbers down, it’s important to get tested for the flu. Knowing whether you have the flu can help slow the spread to other people. If you test positive for the flu, you should limit contact with people until you’re feeling better.

Symptoms Are Similar to COVID-19

Though there are major differences between the flu and COVID-19, many people experience similar symptoms. Thus, if you start to feel sick, it’s a good idea to get a COVID test as well as a flu test. That way, you can treat whichever illness you have accordingly.

So You Can Get Treated Earlier

At the earliest sign of any symptoms, you should get a flu test. The earlier you seek treatment, the better. By starting treatment at the beginning of the illness, you may be able to lessen the symptoms and severity of the flu.

The Only Way to Know

The only way you can determine whether you have the flu is to get tested for it. Knowing whether you have the flu versus something else allows you to take the best steps for treatment.

Help Gather Information

Getting tested for the flu helps experts learn more about the current flu season and helps them predict more accurately for the following year’s flu season.

What Are Common Flu Symptoms?

If you are sick with the flu, you will likely feel the following symptoms:

  • Fever

  • Sore throat

  • Headache

  • Chills

  • Runny nose

  • Dry cough

  • Muscle aches

  • Fatigue

  • Loss of appetite

If any of the above is what you’re experiencing, then it’s time to get a flu test and a COVID test, too.

What To Expect With a Flu Test

Most flu tests fall under the category of rapid influenza diagnostic tests (RIDT). This means you can get test results in less than an hour. All that is required for this type of flu test is a nasal swab. The specimen is collected and tested, and your results will show whether you have the flu.

What To Do If Your Flu Test is Positive

The first step after testing positive for the flu is for your doctor to decide whether you need some kind of treatment. Some people may be able to stay in bed, drink lots of water, and just let the flu run its course. However, others who are at high risk of getting severely ill may require medication such as Tamiflu or other antiviral drugs.

Regardless of whether the doctor prescribes you anything to help with your illness, it is important to do the following things:

  • Limit your contact with other people

  • Try to stay at home

  • Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze

  • Wash your hands frequently

  • Keep common areas clean

If you’re feeling any flu-like symptoms, book a flu test with Sameday Health today.


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