Top 4 Ways to Deal with Low Energy

Written by Leslie K. Hughes

Medically-reviewed by Dr. Monique White-Dominguez

Countless things can happen on any given day that contribute to feeling low on energy. Oftentimes we are destined to have low energy before the day has even begun, thanks to a bad night’s sleep. Or, the slump in energy can come later in the day. Maybe it comes in the form of a caffeine crash after that cup of coffee has worked its magic and worn off. Maybe it comes in the form of exhaustion after a tough workout. Or, you can experience low energy from staring at screens all day. You can even feel low on energy because of something you ate.

All this is to say that low energy is a very common issue that we all deal with at some point in our lives, some more than others. But it doesn’t have to be a problem that ruins your day, your week, your month, your life.

There are some ways that you can work to boost your energy so that you don’t experience that drain that leaves you feeling unable to and uninterested in doing things.

How to Combat Mental Fatigue

1. Drink water

People sing the praises of drinking water on a seemingly constant basis and that’s because they’re right – water offers more physical benefits than we can rattle off here. However, many people don’t realize that water also offers some seriously great mental benefits.

Studies have shown that a lack of water can lead to brain fog, headaches, and mental fatigue. That’s largely due to the fact that 75% of our brain’s mass is water. Starve that brain of water and it will struggle to function at its best.

In addition to that, the body’s cells, organs, and tissues run on water, so if you aren’t providing your body with proper hydration, then it can’t do its mental or physical job.

But how much water should you drink in a day?

You should aim to drink half your body weight in ounces of water per day. That means that if you weigh 150 pounds, you should drink 75 ounces of water daily.

2. Try breathwork

Breathing is something that our bodies do naturally without us even thinking about it.

But, most of us are not breathing as deeply or slowly as we need to, and that can actually lead to stress and thus, low energy.

Take a couple of moments to pay attention to your breath. Is it fast? Is it slow? When you breathe are your lungs expanding or is your diaphragm expanding? Since our bodies are on autopilot with breathing, we don’t take the time to stop and think about it, but you’ll be surprised at what you find when you do.

And, you’ll be even more surprised when you learn about the power that breath has over your physical and mental health.

By incorporating intentional breathwork into your day and taking time to breathe more deeply, you will experience an increase of oxygen in your blood, which translates to more energy.

In addition to that, breathing deeply can reduce anxiety and make you more relaxed while simultaneously making you more alert.

Here’s a quick and easy way to get some more deep breathing into your life.

  1. Sit or lay down somewhere comfortable and close your eyes

  2. Put one hand on your chest and one hand on your stomach (the only hand that moves should be the one on your stomach)

  3. Inhale through your nose (ideally for 6 seconds) as you expand your stomach

  4. Hold your breath for 2 seconds at the top

  5. Exhale slowly through either your nose or mouth (ideally for 6 seconds)

  6. Repeat steps 1-5 for at least 5 minutes

  7. Once you’ve completed the breathwork exercise, give yourself a few moments to re-adjust to your surroundings. Breathe normally for a minute or two before moving too much and/or standing up.

3. Go for a walk

We’ve all hit that afternoon slump where you’ve already had lunch, but it’s not quite time to end the work day and the lack of energy just hits you right in the face.

One of the best ways to deal with this afternoon slump (or a drop in energy at any time of the day, for that matter) is to go for a walk. Studies have shown that spending just 20 minutes a day in nature greatly boosts vitality levels.

On top of that, you’ll get some time in the sun, which may have the power to increase your serotonin levels which always helps when you’re feeling drained of energy.

4. Consider wellness injections

To stay on top of your energy levels, you may want to consider getting a regular Energy Boost wellness injection. This vitamin injection consists of hydroxocobalamin, more commonly known as B12.

If you have low levels of B12 in your body, you will feel it as a lack of energy. And a B12 injection can help get your levels back up to where they need to be so you can feel more energetic.

We recommend that you get a Sameday Health Energy Boost wellness injection once a week for 4 weeks, and check your B12 levels at that point. If you are still in need of more B12, then it’s best to get the wellness injection once a month.

To boost your energy quickly and easily, schedule an Energy Boost wellness injection with Sameday Health today.


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