What Are The Health Benefits of CBD?

Written by Leslie K. Hughes

CBD, formally called cannabidiol, is a chemical compound found in the Sativa plant. In recent years, CBD has exploded in popularity as a way to treat pain and other issues naturally. That’s because studies show that there are many benefits to using CBD including things such as relieving anxiety, treating epilepsy, helping with opioid addiction, reducing pain, and more. 

It is important to note the benefits as well as the potential side effects of this compound, which we get into below. 

What is CBD?

CBD (cannabidiol) is a chemical in the cannabis plant. It is naturally occurring and is a close relative to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). However, you cannot get “high” from CBD in the same way that you get “high” from THC. 

With the legalization of cannabis in many states, more interest has come about regarding the benefits that CBD can provide. And many people and studies have purported that it provides calming effects for the mind and body. Thus, CBD has become more popular and now exists in a variety of forms from tinctures to food and beyond. 

Scientific evidence shows that CBD provides health benefits thanks primarily to its ability to interact with the nervous system’s serotonin receptors, which is the control center for our mood. 

Read on to see the health benefits of using CBD.

The health benefits of CBD

Because products that contain CBD are not FDA approved, CBD companies cannot make any claims that their products can treat different ailments. However, this isn’t stopping people from trying them and finding success. The keyword here is “trying.” Many people test out a few different CBD products before settling on the one that works best for them, and the form that works best for them (cream, tincture, etc). 

Here are the benefits that many people have found with regular CBD use.

Reduces anxiety

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, around 19% of adults in the United States have an anxiety disorder. This makes anxiety disorders the most common mental disorder in the country. 

So, you can imagine the excitement over the possibility that something natural can aid with the symptoms of this common disorder. It is important to note that CBD cannot cure anxiety, rather it can manage the symptoms. 

Studies show that CBD is effective in reducing anxiety for those suffering from PTSD as well as several other anxiety-related mental disorders. And the side effects that result from using CBD to help with anxiety were not found to warrant any concern. In fact, the study stated that CBD has an “excellent safety profile.”

Additional studies found that CBD works as an anti-depressant in animals, however, more studies are needed for humans. In addition to that, CBD’s effects on cases of severe depression have yet to be determined.  

The benefits of CBD for anxiety seem promising, but the official research on CBD has only been done with small groups, so more studies are required to prove the benefits of CBD for anxiety on a larger scale. 

Relieves pain

Chances are good you know someone who uses CBD to help with their pain. While not a cure for pain itself, CBD is used by many to alleviate issues with pain. Studies show that CBD interacts with the parts of our central nervous system that regulates pain. When it does this, CBD suppresses the feeling of pain so it registers on a lower scale, or possibly not even at all. 

CBD shows great promise with chronic pain, including kidney transplant patients. It also helps to alleviate inflammation in the body, which is a side effect of pain.  

Treats epilepsy symptoms

The first FDA-approved drug with CBD in it, Epidiolex, was released in 2018 to treat two different kinds of epilepsy. It comes in a liquid form, taken orally, and is suggested as an option for those who haven’t seen any improvements from taking other epilepsy medications. 

Some studies have shown that CBD helps to reduce the number of epileptic seizures people suffer. And other studies have shown that CBD treats epileptic seizures entirely so that they no longer happen. 

The side effects of CBD

As with anything you take, there are some side effects. Because CBD is natural, the side effects are minimal. However, you must consult your doctor before adding CBD into your routine – it may interact poorly with medications. 

The most common side effects of CBD include:

  • Diarrhea

  • Loss of appetite

  • Weight loss

  • Drowsiness

Is CBD addictive?

No. It is not possible to get chemically addicted to CBD. 

CBD is a safe alternative to medications for anxiety, pain, and epilepsy that come with a long list of side effects that often feel worse than the issue you’re looking to treat in the first place. Studies prove that CBD helps reduce anxiety, relieve pain, and lessen the symptoms of epilepsy. 

More studies continue to be done to show the additional benefits CBD offers, but for now, you can trust it to help with the above issues. 

Talk with a Sameday Doctor today to see if CBD is right for you. 


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