Supplements to Help With COVID Brain Fog

Written by Leslie K. Hughes

Medically reviewed by Dr. Ariella Morrow

Brain fog. This is not a medical term. And it isn’t a new term. However, it has gained a lot of attention in times of COVID, so it’s worth diving deeper into to learn more about it. 

Chances are good that we have all experienced brain fog at some point. It can be that feeling you have when you’re jet-lagged. Or that feeling you have when you’re hungover. Being sick often comes with brain fog attached to it, but we are seeing more than ever that COVID specifically and brain fog go hand in hand.

Everything may appear to be normal. Your other symptoms are gone, you are no longer testing “positive” for the virus, but you still just don’t feel yourself. Work is challenging, you can’t seem to hold your attention for as long as you used to be able to, and you just don’t feel all there, mentally speaking. 

This, ladies and gents, is what we call COVID brain fog. 

This symptom of COVID may cause you to:

  • Have trouble remembering things

  • Be unable to pay attention

  • Feel mentally exhausted

Studies show that as many of 20% of COVID-19 patients suffer from brain fog for weeks after recovering from the other symptoms associated with the virus.

What causes brain fog?

There is no clear-cut answer to why brain fog happens as a result of COVID, but research is showing that it may be “a byproduct of inflammatory processes within the brain that occur microscopically.” 

Infections like COVID-19 damage cells in the brain (microglia) by “pumping out high levels of inflammatory proteins that exacerbate neurodegenerative processes.” Not surprisingly, brain cells don’t work well when they are inflamed – their signals are slow and weak. Let me make an analogy – think of one of your nerve cells as a lane at the bowling alley. When functioning well, the bowling ball rolls quickly and smoothly to the end of the lane like a brain cell carrying a message. Brain fog is like trying to roll a bowling ball covered in slime down a lane laden with hot coals. 

Luckily, with COVID, the brain fog will likely be temporary since the virus doesn’t generally cause permanent damage to the brain. It should eventually go away. 

But what if you want to quicken that process so that your brain can get back to normal? 

How do I clear brain fog?

If you’re impatient and sick of waiting for the day when your COVID brain fog disappears on its own (and we don’t blame you), there are some things you can do to speed up the process to get your head back in the game. 

Walk regularly. 

One of the best ways to clear brain fog is to go for a walk. Walking has been proven to improve important brain cell connections, so it’s time to put your tennis shoes on and start walking. Aim to walk for at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week if you are physically able to do so.

Don’t drink alcohol.

Alcohol and drugs can wreak havoc on your brain, so if you are dealing with brain fog, it’s a good idea to steer clear of these things to give your brain a better chance at recovery. 

Get plenty of sleep.

Sleep is the crucial time when your brain has a chance to clear out toxins without having to do other work at the same time. So, aim to go to bed early enough to give your brain the amount of sleep it needs to heal. 

Be social.

Social activities have become a bit more challenging and sometimes stressful and scary in COVID times, but remaining social is one of the best things you can do for your brain. Being social helps improve your mood but also challenges your thinking and memory. 


Challenging your brain in new ways is good for its health, so if you are feeling brain fog, try to meditate. Start with 5-10 minutes a day and then go from there. 

Can supplements help with my brain fog?

All of the above are things you should start implementing into your daily life as soon as possible, but possibly the best way to clear your brain fog is with the help of high-quality supplements.* 

Supplements have the power to help your brain out massively with fog, so let’s take a look at the supplements you should order ASAP to get your brain back on track. 

Vitamin D. Many people are surprised to find that they are deficient in this essential vitamin, but studies show that 75% of U.S. teens and adults are deficient in vitamin D. This vitamin has the power to help with cognition, so if you’re feeling that COVID-19 brain fog, then you want to start pumping your body with vitamin D. 

  • How much to take: Start with 5000 units a day for two weeks and go down to 2000 units per day after that. 

Vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is absolutely essential to the healthy functioning of your brain, so you want to make sure you’ve got plenty of this pumping through your body. The quickest and easiest way to do that is by getting B12 injections.

  • How much to take: Get weekly B12 injections for 4 weeks, and then lower to a shot every 3-4 weeks for the next 6 months. 

Vitamin B6. According to the Mayo Clinic, “Vitamin B-6 is important for normal brain development and for keeping the nervous system and immune system healthy.” Thus, it is a good one to take to help with your brain fog. Be sure to look for a high-quality Vitamin B complex formula.

  • How much to take: Double the usual dosing for 2 weeks then continue to take once daily.

Omega-3s. Studies show that “giving supplemental marine omega-3s have shown promise for improving numerous mental health conditions.” So add this one to your list of must-haves for brain fog. 

  • How much to take: Take 2000 mg per day.

General multivitamin. To get all the other vitamins you need, it is best to also take a general multivitamin.

  • How much to take: Take the recommended amount. 

Supplements have the power to really turn your brain fog around quickly and get your brain back on track.

To get the vitamins you need to clear your COVID brain fog, schedule a B12 energy boost injection with Sameday Health today.  

*If you take other medications or have any underlying medical conditions including medication allergies, check with your doctor before starting any supplement regimen. Individual responses to supplements vary and rare side effects may occur.


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