8 Signs of Vitamin Deficiency

Written by Leslie K. Hughes

Medically-reviewed by Dr. Monique White-Dominguez

With life as busy as it is, it can feel impossible to live a life of picture-perfect wellness. It seems there is always something just out of reach to complete that ideal picture. You just want to make sure that what’s out of reach isn’t vitamin deficiencies. While you may not be able to find the time to cook three homemade meals a day that are full of all the nutrients you need, you do want to prioritize getting all the essential vitamins you need that allow your body to function at its best.

Those days where you’re feeling off; where you feel a little bit more tired than normal; where you’re not quite sick, but not quite your best. Chances are good those days are ones in which your body is experiencing vitamin deficiency.

Let’s take a look at clues you can keep an eye out for that point to vitamin deficiency, and what you can do to remedy this situation.

How do I know if I’m vitamin deficient?

There are a number of different symptoms you could feel as a result of failing to get all of the essential vitamins and nutrients your body needs.

  • Fatigue

This is the number one sign that you’re coming up short on your vitamins, and it’s often one of the first signs of deficiency. If you find that you’re getting enough sleep to where you shouldn’t be tired but are still feeling tired, that may mean you’re deficient. Most vitamin deficiencies show up first as fatigue and the vitamins that we are most often deficient in are iron, B12, and magnesium.

  • Weakness

As mentioned above, iron is one of the most common vitamins our bodies are deficient in. This is even more common for women who are pregnant or menstruating. If you don’t get enough iron, then you’re likely to feel tired, weak, and have difficulty concentrating.

  • Mood swings

We all have our days where we are just not in the best of moods, and that doesn’t automatically mean you’re deficient in key vitamins. However, if you find this happens often, you may want to pay closer attention to what vitamins and nutrients you’re getting and ensure you’ve got the omega-3 fatty acids you need.

  • Muscle pain

Many people write off muscle pain as part of aging or an expected result from a day at the gym. However, it can often mean that you are low in vitamin D and magnesium if that muscle pain becomes regular.

  • Dry skin

If you feel that, despite all your attempts to moisturize, your skin is still feeling dry, then it may be because you’re deficient in vitamin A.

Dry eyes are another signal that you’re not getting this essential vitamin, so pay attention to that, too.

  • Weak hair and nails

If you find that your hair has gotten weaker or changed in texture and that your nails seem to be breaking regularly, then you may be depriving your body of the folic acid, B12, B6, and iron it needs to keep these things strong.

  • Bleeding gums

You may have just brushed your teeth too aggressively, but if you are being gentle and finding that your gums are still bleeding, you may have vitamin deficiency to blame. Bleeding gums can be a sign of a lack of vitamin C.

  • Restless legs

Restless leg syndrome is a nerve condition that makes you feel like you want to move your legs all the time, even when sleeping. Though a lack of vitamins is not the only cause of restless leg syndrome (RLS), studies have shown that a lack of iron can make restless leg syndrome symptoms worse. Other studies have shown that pregnant women often get RLS symptoms. That’s likely because their iron levels drop during pregnancy.

The only way to truly know for sure whether you are vitamin deficient is by getting a vitamin panel. At Sameday Health, we offer a vitamin panel that screens for:

  • Magnesium

  • Ferritin

  • Folic acid

  • Vitamin B9

  • Vitamin B12

  • Vitamin D

Once your sample is collected and tested, a Sameday Health provider will be available for you to connect with and discuss your panel results and the next steps to get your health back on track.

Schedule a Sameday Health Vitamin Panel today to see what essential vitamins your body is missing.


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