How to Use Exercise and B12 Injections to Improve Your Mental Health

Written by Leslie K. Hughes

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Monique White-Dominguez

You’ve likely heard the term “mind-body connection.” But you may not have taken the time to really think about what it means. It speaks to the link between your thoughts and your behaviors, and your physical well-being. In short, it says that working out is good for your mental health. 

This isn’t a new concept, however. Studies have been conducted for years that show the connection between exercise and mental health, and results have made it evident that the state of your mental health has a direct correlation to your physical health. Mental health issues can lead to problems with the gut microbiota, and vice versa. Research has proven that stress can wreak havoc on the nervous, reproductive, gastrointestinal, endocrineall systems in the body. 

But don’t let that get you down – there is good news. This connection means that introducing exercise into the body can help alleviate mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. It may not be a cure-all for mental health issues, but movement and exercise are some of the most important things for someone who is suffering from depression, anxiety, eating disorders, schizophrenia, addictions, personality disorders, and more. If you are just having a bad day and your mood is down or you are feeling stressed, exercise is one of the best things to turn to in order to flip your mood and stress into a more positive place. 

How does exercise improve your mental health?

Exercising regularly is known to help improve issues with depression and anxiety because of the following:

  1. It releases endorphins. When you exercise, your brain is stimulated to produce more endorphins, which are its feel-good neurotransmitters. With these endorphins flooding your physical body, your mental self will feel better. 

  2. It relieves stress. Stress can cause the body all sorts of problems, but you can look to exercise to help. Moving your body works to protect it from the negative effects of stress. 

  3. It distracts the mind. If you are someone who is plagued with worries that have led to mental health issues, then give yourself a break by exercising.  

  4. It boosts your mood. Working out regularly helps with self-confidence and relaxation, which both contribute to a better mood. 

  5. It is a form of meditation. If traditional meditation doesn’t work for you, you can meditate via exercise. It’s an opportunity to let your thoughts disappear and focus on the present, which will help with anxiety, stress, and sadness. 

  6. It increases blood circulation to the brain. This improved blood circulation means more production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which leads to an improvement in memory and thinking – two things that are key to mental wellness. 

How do B12 injections help?

Now that you’re going to be working out more, it’s important that your body has all the amino acids it needs to help with tissue repair, muscle growth, and more. 

To help you get those amino acids, look to Sameday Health’s Muscle Boost Injection. The use of this works to optimize your cell function, aid with calorie and fat burning, improve your energy, and activate your metabolism which is all key to improving your mental health. 

How do I exercise to improve mental health?

Now that you know how much power exercise has in your mental health, let’s talk about the best ways for you to optimize your workouts so you get the most out of them not only for your mental health but for your physical health, too. 

Keep it regular

The only way that you will truly reap the benefits of exercise for your mental (and physical) health is to work out regularly. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but once a week just isn’t going to cut it. 

Your goal should be to exercise 3-4 days a week for at least 30 minutes. It doesn’t have to be a super intense workout, but you should try to do something that will make you work up a bit of a sweat. Whatever workout you feel you can do 3-4 times a week is what you should go with. 

Find a workout you enjoy

If you don’t love running, but force yourself to do it, chances are good you’ll burn out quickly and quit running entirely. So, rather than push yourself into a workout that you think you’re going to hate, find something that you enjoy. Remember that consistency is key, and it's hard to remain consistent with something you hate. 

So, whether your favorite exercise is something intense like HIIT or something more low-key like yoga, go with whatever you see yourself enjoying the most rather than what you think you should do. 

Workout with others

It can be difficult to stay motivated in your workouts if you’re trying to do them alone. This is true even for those who aren’t suffering from mental health issues. So, trying to work out solo may be enough of a roadblock to keep someone with mental health issues from exercising at all. 

Instead, find a buddy to work out with or go to a class where you’ll be with others. You’ll find you have more fun and motivation when you’re surrounded by others who are working to boost their moods, too. 

Exercise outdoors

Nature is a known healer and if you can double up your healing via workouts and nature, we highly suggest you do so. Being outside is scientifically proven to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps to lower stress, improve sleep, boost mood, and more. 

Start slow and work your way up

If you’re fairly new to exercise, don’t sprint right out the gate. Ease in with 30 minutes a day and then work your way up to longer exercises if you’re feeling up for it. 

If you push yourself too far with exercise, you run the risk of stressing your body, which is the opposite of what you’re looking to do. If 30 minutes a day is all you can bring yourself to do even a year after starting, that’s great! There is no need to go beyond your limits.

Try different exercises

This is a great opportunity for you to dip your toes in a bunch of different exercises to find out which works best for you. Try HIIT, yoga, Pilates, boxing, swimming, gym workouts, and more. You never know what may become your new hobby that has the added benefit of improved mental health. 

Supplement and optimize your workout and your health with a Muscle Boost Injection from Sameday Health today. 


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