Eat These Herbs Everyday to Live Longer

Written by Leslie K. Hughes

While fruits and vegetables get the spotlight in helping people live a longer life, there is another major group of plants that is accredited for all sorts of health benefits.

That group of plants is herbs. 

Herbs can work all sorts of wonders including getting rid of inflammation, keeping your immune system strong, and possibly even helping with chronic disease. They are more important than they are often given credit for.

The power of herbs that can do all of the above is what makes them great for increasing your life expectancy. 

Not convinced that herbs can help you live a longer life? Read on to learn more. 

The Blue Zones

There are five regions in the world where it is normal for people to live over the age of 100 and suffer little to no health issues. The five Blue Zone regions are:

  • Okinawa, Japan

  • Loma Linda, California

  • Ikaria, Greece

  • Nicoya, Costa Rica

  • Sardinia, Italy

Many studies have been done on this area of the world and what the residents here do to live long lives that are still full of health in body and mind well past the age of 100. 

The takeaways from the studies have been that the lifestyle of the people in these places plays a huge role in their health. They all live with low levels of stress, move regularly throughout the day, and have a strong sense of purpose in their lives. 

However, it is impossible to look at the health of these people without also examining their dietary habits. And it turns out that is the base of their long lives.

People who live in the Blue Zones eat meals that are free of processed foods and rather focus on consuming whole foods. Most of those whole foods are plants, and herbs are a major part of that. 

Herbs are ideal to work into your diet because not only do they offer health benefits but they also offer an easy way to add some great flavor to your food and rid of the temptation to reach for other flavor boosters that may not be healthy (i.e. extra salt, unhealthy dressings, and more). 

There is a handful of herbs that are staples in the diets of the people living in the Blue Zones. Learn more about them below and think about how you can start incorporating them into your diet to reap all of the benefits they offer. 

Herbs to Help You Live Longer

1. Garlic

Though this one isn’t technically an herb (it is actually an onion), it is used in many dishes like an herb – to enhance flavor. 

Garlic has been recognized for hundreds of years to offer medicinal benefits and is central to the cuisine of all of the Blue Zones regions. 

This onion is lauded for its ability to boost your immune system and aid you in staving off the common cold. You can consume it every day to keep a cold from hitting in the first place. Or, if you already feel a cold coming on, you can start consuming garlic to keep the sickness at bay.

In addition to that, garlic also works to reduce blood pressure and bad (LDL) cholesterol levels. A study done showed that aged garlic extract had the same efficacy in lowering blood pressure as the common blood pressure medication, atenolol

2. Rosemary

This fragrant herb not only adds a nice smell to your meals and a visual bonus, but it also serves as a great way to get the iron, vitamin B6, and calcium that your body needs. 

Studies have also shown that rosemary helps to improve cognitive health as well as memory

On top of that, this herb supports your immune system, thanks to the carnosic acid in it. This acid helps to fight off damage caused by free radicals in your brain.

The scent of rosemary has been shown to help you concentrate and may even help to boost your mood. 

So when you start to feel as if your mind is wandering mid-day, reach for some rosemary and breathe it in. 

3. Turmeric

If there was one herb that carried a great deal of weight in the wellness world, it would be turmeric. 

Turmeric is a powerful antioxidant due to its concentration of the antioxidant compound curcumin. This, along with the other parts of turmeric, makes it a great herb for improving your brain health. 

How does it do that? Because turmeric aids with inflammation in your entire body, including your brain. The anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric also help alleviate the issues related to chronic conditions. 

Some studies show that turmeric may have the ability to prevent and treat cancer as well as skin disease, cardiovascular disease, and much more

4. Fennel

Fennel is a trifecta of goodness. It is a vegetable, an herb, and a spice all in one. 

And that’s not it.

Fennel is packed full of vitamins A, B, and C, and contains lots of fiber. On top of that, the bulb and the seed of this plan contain manganese which helps with bone development, blood sugar retention, and more. 

This herb is easy to work into all sorts of foods. It can exist as a side dish, as a salad ingredient, or as a bonus to your morning smoothie. 

5. Cilantro

Similar to many of the other herbs on this list, cilantro is widely loved because it fights inflammation and helps lower your risk of chronic illnesses such as heart disease. 

On top of that, cilantro has been shown to help with digestion while simultaneously lowering blood sugar levels. This results in all sorts of long-term benefits. 

6. Ginger

Add this anti-inflammatory herb to the list as one of the most powerful ways to get rid of inflammation in your body. 

It may also be able to help improve your gut bacteria (microbiome). Studies are being done right now to show this, and if the results prove it is true, then this could be a big step for those looking to live longer. Your gut is directly connected to your brain, your immune system, and your overall well-being. 

Ginger can be enjoyed in the form of a wellness shot, in your tea, or grated into your favorite foods. 

7. Ginseng

Though not as popular as some of the others on this list, ginseng certainly deserves attention and a place in your diet. 

By consuming ginseng for over a long period of time, you help your body develop the ability to better handle things like physical and emotional stress. Though it isn’t a cure for stress, it can help you approach stress in a more level-headed way. 

This is key to longevity because stress is one of the major ways you can weaken your immune system. Stress also causes you to struggle with sleeping, and sleep is very important to living a long life. 

Like the others on this list (and most herbs in general), ginseng is also anti-inflammatory and serves as a great antioxidant as well. It is thought that this herb may help to maintain healthy blood sugar levels for diabetics. 

A common theme amongst all of these herbs is their ability to aid with inflammation. This is a huge part of keeping your gut health in check, which is key to your overall health. When your gut is happy, your body is happy.


Struggling with gut issues? Schedule a free consultation with a Sameday doctor today. 


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