All You Need to Know About IV Vitamin Therapy

Written by Leslie K. Hughes

You’ve probably seen IV drips on IG Stories on the morning after a night out on the town, and for a good reason. IV vitamin therapy is a lifesaver when it comes to the Sunday scaries brought to you by a hangover. But, there’s a lot more magic behind IV drips than their ability to help you recover from the night before. 

If you’ve ever been curious about IV drips or are curious now, read on to find out all you need to know about IV vitamin therapy and how it may be just what you need to survive the holiday season and make it to 2022 alive. 

What are IV drips?

IV drips deliver a blend of vitamins and minerals to your body via the bloodstream. 

The drip is administered by a needle, as this is the quickest way to provide your body with immediate hydration (which we could all use help with), as well as optimal vitamin and mineral absorption.  

How do IV drips work?

An IV drip uses a catheter (a fancy way of saying a small tube) and a saline-based electrolyte solution that’s pumped full of the specific vitamins and nutrients you need. 

These vitamins and nutrients are delivered directly into your bloodstream via a needle, which means they bypass your digestive tract and you will feel the results nearly instantly. 

Unlike a shot, an IV drip takes some time – it is not a quick in-and-out. You can expect your IV vitamin therapy treatment to take between 30-45 minutes for all of the fluids to safely make their way into your body. 

How does IV vitamin therapy work?

IV vitamin therapy is simply the process of an IV drip. It is the process through which the nutrients and vitamins your body needs are delivered to your system. 

Is IV vitamin therapy good for you?

Yes! IV vitamin therapy provides a convenient way to relieve symptoms of illness, deliver hydration, and provide your body with the nutrients it needs. 

It is the ideal way to get vitamins and nutrients into your body, as it offers the highest level of bioavailability. This means that the nutrients in your IV drip are absorbed directly into your bloodstream rather than going through your digestive tract, as is the case with any pills or supplements you take. 

IV vitamin therapy offers a near-immediate effect on your body – you will feel a difference within a matter of minutes following your treatment. 

What does IV vitamin therapy help with and does it work? 

As mentioned above, IV vitamin therapy is a great option to consider when you’ve had a wild night out on the town and are paying the price in pain the next day. 

However, IV drips have the power to do much more than cure your hangover. And yes, this form of therapy works. It works wonders, in fact. 

IV drips can help alleviate nausea due to other things such as pregnancy, dehydration, motion sickness, and more. They can also help to reduce symptoms you may be experiencing due to a cold or the flu, or even altitude sickness. Some cancer patients find that IV vitamin therapy helps alleviate some of the pain and symptoms they suffer, while others turn to IV drips to boost their bodies full of the vitamins that they are deficient in. 

Overall, IV vitamin therapy can do wonders for your body in terms of hydration, sleep, energy, mood, and more. 

What vitamins can I get in an IV drip?

Here comes the fun part. At Sameday Health we offer a variety of IV drip therapy options to cure your woes.

Choose which ticket to wellness you want:

Alleviate. Minimizes bloating, irritability, abdominal discomfort, and lower back pain.

  • B complex

  • Calcium

  • B12

  • Magnesium

Get Up & Go. Burns fat, restores energy, boosts metabolism, and improves performance. 

  • B complex

  • Amino acids

Immunity. Boosts your immune system and helps you feel better, faster.

  • C vitamins

  • B complex

  • Zinc

NAD+. Helps with mental clarity, concentration, memory, and energy.

  • NAD+

Myer’s Cocktail. Alleviates stress, improves immunity, restores balance, provides hydration, relieves migraines, and reduces chronic pain. 

  • Vitamin C

  • B complex vitamins

  • Calcium

  • Magnesium

What do I look for in an IV therapy provider?

When looking for the right provider to administer your IV drip, there are a few key things you want to check.

First, you want to make sure that the IV vitamin therapy is performed in a safe and clean environment. When you’re dealing with something like needles, a sterile environment, gloves, and all-around cleanliness is vital. 

Second, you want to make sure that the person administering your IV drip is a trained professional. IV drips should not be performed by just anyone working at an office – they need to be done by professionals who have had proper training specifically in IV drips. 

Third, you want to ensure that the needle being used is sterile. Thus, it is important to go to a professional that you trust for IV vitamin therapy. 

Ready to try IV vitamin therapy? Book your treatment with Sameday Health today for a convenient, safe, and relaxing experience.


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